Master Degree Program in Islamic Education Management


Jl. Major General. Bambang Soegeng, Mertoyudan, Magelang 56172



+62 293 326945

Vision & Mission


To become an excellent center for the innovative and transformative Islamic Education Management research which implements Islamic personality.


  1. Conducting education, research, and development in terms of Islamic Education Management study.
  2. Providing education that is capable to apply theoretical concepts about Islamic Education Management in the field of human resource management, curriculum, and Islamic education institution governance.
  3. Developing abilities to find ideas, concepts, and new methods in Islamic Education Management which support the need of communities about constructing excellent education systems.


  1. Generating Islamic Education Management masters who acquire practitioner characteristics in the matter of planner, manager, technical implementer, supervisor, assessor, researcher, and developer.
  2. Forming accommodative master teachers toward the development of madrasa and school.
  3. Producing scientific works and innovative applied construction which is appropriate regarding Islamic Education Management both functionally and substantially.
  4. Producing scientific research and developments for various interest parties like policymakers, field practitioners, observers, and the community in general.
  5. Producing Islamic Education Management masters who have extensive insight and capacity for continuing study in the doctoral program.


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Opportunities After Graduation

  1. Islamic Education Supervisor

Masters who have expertise in performance supervision and education managerial system from planning, implementing, and evaluating in the education institution of school and madrasa.


  1. Progressive Islamic Visionary Education Manager

Masters who have managerial abilities as an education organization leader both formal and informal and have capabilities in accelerating progressive education quality as well as instilling leadership aspect and Islamic intrapreneurship


  1. Professional progressive educator

Education master who prepares professional educator in the madrasa, school and high education which able to innovate in curriculum management and capable in progression to develop a model, design, strategy, method, and technical teaching with Islamic spirit approach.


  1. Islamic Education Consultant and Researcher

Masters who have capabilities to be a consultant and an Islamic education researcher specifically in the field of institution development management, human resource management, administration management, and curriculum management within innovative learning based on community’s need.